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フィボナッチ fibonacci








Container and package design project for skin care brand [fibinacci] to be launched in 2021


[The Fibonacci sequence is a miraculous pattern that brings stability and prosperity to the natural world.

The architect is the only person whose mission is to create a series of "structural beauty", "emotional beauty" and "environmental beauty". There is no other profession like it.

With the sympathy and cooperation of female architects who know the world and Japan, we completed the container and logo design.

(Excerpt from the official fibonacci H.P.)]

While designing various bathrooms, I wanted a container with a design that would look good and fit in with any interior. So I decided on a gradation of slightly pinkish glaze that blends in well with both cool, stylish black and bright, colourful washrooms. They look great when arranged in a row, but also look great when left in a messy way.


The bottles have a clean shape and a matte finish that makes them stand out.









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